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Production Control with InfoGrow 2.0

HortiAdvice provides software to plan and control your greenhouse production. Here is a short description of GreenPlan for planning and InfoGrow log for production control.



Manage your production planning and economic forecast.

GreenPlan is a planning software designed for pot plant growers.
GreenPlan is highly focused on precise timing of sale and has a number of features making it easy to assure that the right mix of varieties and colours will be available in due time.
GreenPlan makes it immediately visible for the planner, whether a production is candidate for up scaling or down scaling.

  • Forecast earning at crop level.

  • Plan after your peak sales.

  • Planning on day or week level.

  • Overview of production and consumption of cuttings.

  • Multiple cultivation recipes per variety.

  • Graphical plan over your space consumption.

  • Calculate the culture’s consumption of heat, electricity, CO2 and growth light.

  • Price calculator for Added Value.


InfoGrow Log



Pant development depends on many factors. The most important is the temperature or more precisely the temperature sum for the production. To reach full development the plants need a sudden temperature sum. This sum can be used to estimate and plan when the plants will be finished. InfoGrow has a built-in system that handles this.

The system depends on:

  • Creating crop definitions that describe when the plants will be finished. This can be a temperature, light, or photosynthesis sum.

  • Create a batch in InfoGrow with information about the position in the nursery (department).

  • Use of a log system to make registrations of what happens with the plants during the production. This can be the use of pesticides, development, and moving of the plants to another department.

  • InfoGrow estimates when the plants will be finished and make a list of all batches not produced as expected.

Crop setup.png

Define your crop

All crops (cultivars) have to be defined in an easy setup. You define the needed sum to make an optimal production.  When InfoGrow has been used for a while, it can also help you to estimate the needed values. Just enter the dates for good production and InfoGrow calculates the optimal sums.

The crop development can be followed by either a temperature sum, light sum, or photosynthesis sum.

Create batch

Each batch is created in the system and a QR code is attached to it. The QR-code follows the production from the start to the end. It is used to identify the production and to store all information about the production. InfoGrow provides a page that shows all information about a specific batch.

The QR-code is printed at the nursery with a special software system. Either a standard system or a system developed as an integrated part of it-systems used by the nursery.

Create batch with qr.png

Log changes

Batch resumé
Scan QR code
Create batch with qr.png
Primary log possibilities
Secondary log possibilities

The Android app makes it easy to log information about the production. The log system is extremely flexible and can be used to log whatever is relevant for the production.

The possible logs are defined in a hierarchical structure:

  • Primary log.

  • Secondary log – one to many for each primary log.

  • Information about the secondary log (numbers or text the user has to enter).


Examples of log types:

  • Moving of plants from one department to another.

  • Plant development.

  • Use of growth retardants.

  • Use of pesticides.

  • Quality.

InfoGrow forecast

InfoGrow estimates the production time for all batches. Thereby you can see when they are expected to be finished. The screen gives you an overview of all batches, but you can search for a specific crop, or a specific department and see them in the list.

If you click on details, you can see all information that is logged together with the batch. You can also extract data and use more advanced statistical software to find the influence of growth retarders on the development for instance.

Batch list.png
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